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Akshay Tritiya

A National confluence of the visually impaired 

One of the all-purpose best Muhurat of Hindus is Akshay Tritiya. ‘Aksha’ in  Marathi language means Eyes. A cultural meet ‘‘I’ for an ‘eye’’ is organized for the visually impaired friends. Near about 400-500 children and their teachers participate from various institutions for the blind from Maharashtra as well as different states.  Those   with   normal   eyesight   befriend at least one blind – dine together – and get  themselves tied by invisible thread of affinity – in the Name of the Lord of all Lords.

They perform, dance, sing, enjoy and the audience is left benumbed viewing these friends do it so smoothly despite their disability. We are all children of God. All of them dine together in a Preeti Bhojan.


Till date we have conducted program for blinds (Visually impaired) in various states including Kashmir in May 2014 .This mela is held each year on Akshaya Trittiya day falling in April/May as per the Hindu Calendar.

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