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Appreciation of the Gangmen and other staff of Railways 

The trains are going, coming, commuters running and what not!  Human beings associated with railway services are silent, unperturbed and looking for our safety. Never, never their family or self comes in their way of service. Really, they deserve high aplomb.    But commuters never return a smile to them nor do they have a Love-moist word for themselves. Daily many people come on the railway station- run, jump. Many a times commuters may have dashed against the railway staff in hurry to catch the train. Although common man’s jobs, marriages, love, education all, all is webbed around railway staff, no one thinks of them.   It is said that on Dassera day, iron should be worshipped.  Railways are mainly made of iron.  Hence, Anam Prem visits railway staff on Dassera day and sprinkle love upon railway staff.

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